Should I wait until I am finished having children to treat my stretch marks?
Dr. Blumenthal addresses whether women should start treating stretch marks right away or wait until they are finished having children.
Video Transcription
The more kids you have, if you're prone to get stretch marks, the more stretch marks you have. So if you have no stretch marks and have child and you develop a thousand of them and don't treat them and you have another child, we assume that you'll get new stretch marks as well as the old ones will get wider. Then you may have two thousand. So it may take twice as long to get rid of them. It may cost twice as much money to get rid of them. And we certainly encourage people to have them treated, if they desire to, at the earliest stage because they get the best results. The longer you wait, the harder they are to get rid of and the more you'll have. And the ones that you do have, do get worse.
Learn more about Stretch Mark Removal at the Vein Center & CosMed or Contact Us to schedule an appointment!